
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Birthday Party Extravaganza!

I know you've been impatiently waiting for the photos from my birthday party extravaganza! they are!!!
I was so excited when I walked into Whiskey River and saw my coworker Kimberly there! She wasn't sure if she was going to be able to stop by and I was so glad she did! Of course, she had another surprise for me as well....a tiara!
I am so thankful for Lucas and Amber who helped organize this amazing shindig! We had tables reserved, free drinks for members of the party and Lucas even introduced me to the GM of my favorite bar!
And I can't thank my sister enough for helping organize it too!  But the best part of the night was dancing with Age!  I am positive we were the highlight of the dance floor all night long! Everyone was envious of our stellar moves!
I am so glad that I get to see Larissa as much as I do! She is always so encouraging!!
Such an eclectic, random and wonderful group of people showed up to my party!  People from contractors we work with, painters, Cindy's close friends, my friends, people I'v never met and almost all of my coworkers stopped by to say hello and happy birthday!
Adrienne practicing her leg guitar!
Evan!!! Believe it or not, Evan and I went to high school together in Michigan! What's even crazier that our lockers were next to each other!
Chelsea, another great dance partner!!!

Thank you to everyone who came to Whiskey River last Friday night!  I had such an amazing time, I have never had so much fun, danced so long, laughed so hard, felt so loved by such a crazy group of people! Thank you for making feel like home!

1 comment:

  1. I told you'd be wearing a tiara! When will you learn mom's are always right!
    Love you,
