
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Sorry!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!  I really am! There have been a complete lack of blog posts lately and there are a few things I can blame it on.  

Work has been utterly crazy and the last thing I want to do each night is turn on my computer.  I have even been leaving my computer in my car to keep myself away from it! Unfortunately for all of you, that means no blogging.

I have also come down with a nasty bat of tonsillitis which has inadvertently made me fall in love with my bed but! also with a new soup recipe that I will share! (Its delicious and cooking on the stove as I type this!)  But increased sleepy time = decreased blogging time

A certain somebody might also be to blame....more time with this somebody means less time on the computer!  Which, I think, might be a healthier thing.  I'll leave you all on that cliffhanger! 

I promise to take the next few days to catch everyone up on the goings-on in my life.  The updates, the jobs, the photos, the food, and of course, the smiles!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update. You didn't say you were sick. Have you been to the doctor? You might need some penicillin. Love you bunches!

  2. Bahahaha! Blame it on the boy...I love it!! =)
