I first fell in love with Oly when Cindy and Amber came back from Market in April and showed me their photographs. The style, materials, rich textures, unique pieces of furniture are all put together in a stunning and simplistic color palette. Their spaces are calming yet rich, elegant, sophisticated with a hint of childishness.
Here are some of their children's chairs! Petite and awesome!
This armoire is made from pounded sheet metal and I couldn't help but think of the Wardrobe from Beauty and the Beast!
Oly's new furniture for this market included case pieces with black and white images of animals printed on their fronts.
This space shows an incredible mix of materials and textures- natural stones with man made acrylics, ceramic bowls and turtle shell sconces, sleek chrome chandelier with linen furnishings, a croc skull, driftwood lamp, steel chair and marble topped side table!
Stay tuned for pics from Oly's Market party!