Today is my 24th birthday! And I think its time to give a little love to 24 things I am thankful for during the past year.
FAMILY! There is definitely no-way, no-how, in-any-way-shape-or-form that I would be where I am today without my family! They are supportive, creative, motivating, generous, humorous, crazy, unconventional and most important loving.
Cindy Aplanalp and Amber Reddoch! The two women I work side-by-side with every day. They are family (see description of my family above) but they are also
the reason why I am in Texas..... with the most amazing job in the world!
The Internet! Oh! how my world would be so different without the computer! I do everything on the computer but what I am really thankful for is the ability to keep in touch and feel closer to home through blogs, facebook, pictures and email!
Air-conditioning! 'Haha!' You might be laughing but when it is 100 degrees out with 99% humidity, you quickly learn to be grateful for that cold, refreshing, make-my-hairs-stand-straight-up blast of air!
Having an excuse to act like a kid again! Living with an 18 month old makes all immature behavior excusable; I can walk around Target and loudly growl while making claws with my hands and no one will think little of long as Brenner is around!
Friends! Moving across the country definitely makes keeping up with old friends really difficult; you quickly learn who really cares about you and is willing to go the extra mile to send a smile your way. I am so thankful to those old friends. I am also
incredibly thankful to my new ones; they have helped me create my home here in Texas.
Fashion! Yes I love fashion. But here, what I am thankful for is how I have an awesome job because of it. Interior design is dictated fashion and in a sense is a fashion beast of its own. It makes the things I do interesting, ever-evolving, innovative and artistic.
Learning to say 'yes!' This used to be so hard for me to do; I would make up excuses to not do something. Now, I can't say 'no!' and because of this I have met so many wonderful people and done some pretty crazy things.
Refusing to let myself get embarrassed! Being able to laugh at myself and all of the not-so-smart things I may do and all of the things I can't control has made life so much more enjoyable.
Not having any debt! This needs no explanation! Its a really really good thing!
Nice roads! Poor Winston was taking quite a beating up in Michigan with potholes larger than him. Now, there are two 'bumps' I avoid while driving to and from work.....two!
Travel! I can't get rid of it! Once bitten by that travel bug, I'm sick with the desire to travel for life! I can't wait until my next adventure! The world is so eye-opening and I want to soak it all in!
Being totally comfortable sleeping in strange places! Yes, my bed might be oh-so comfortable but I can sleep just about anywhere now which really comes in handy. Once I woke up on the couch with my face looking up directly into the lamp...that was on!
Learning to trust my intuition! I really do know things! But sometimes I have to remind myself....yes Erika, you are right :)
Health! I am really lucky to be happy and healthy!
High heels! I love wearing heels now! and the louder the better! I feel confident, sexy, tall, and pretty much a badass when wearing heels!
People who like ribbon mobiles! I've sold 18 ribbon mobiles! I am really excited about that! And 5 of them were within the last month!
Movies. I love movies. More importantly, I love quoting movies.
Laughter. If you know anything about me, you know how much I laugh!
Random blasts from the past. I love randomly hearing from people that I haven't seen or spoken to in a while. Living so far away, its hard to keep in touch. But a little 'hello' here and there is always so nice!
Chocolate. mmmmmmmmm. I just ate a Butterfinger!
Color. Color can do so much, make you feel happy, sad, calm, powerful, angry, youthful, etc. I will never have a favorite color because there are so many beautiful ones to choose from!
Design. Just when I think that nothing new can be designed...nope, something really freakin cool comes out! Design pushes me to be more creative, innovative, smarter! I love that challenge!
See number 1! I am really thankful for all of you!